How Monitoring Body Composition and Metabolic Age with TANITA Empower Your Journey


As women, you're well aware that the menopausal journey is a profound phase, one that encompasses a spectrum of physical and emotional changes. While menopause ushers in its own set of unique challenges, it also presents an opportunity for you to proactively manage your health and well-being. In this blog, we delve into the significance of monitoring body composition, measuring metabolic age, and particularly, the importance of maintaining muscle mass. Body composition insights provide the tools to make informed decisions, ensuring you navigate menopause with strength, vitality, and wisdom.


Understanding Menopause and Its Impact

Menopause is a natural milestone that every woman encounters, signifying the end of the reproductive phase. Hormonal fluctuations during this period can lead to a range of symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and metabolic changes making it difficult to shed increased weight. While these changes are an intrinsic part of the journey, proactive management of your health becomes crucial.

The Empowering Role of Body Composition Monitoring:

Enter body composition monitoring—a holistic approach that goes beyond just weight and BMI. Monitoring your body's composition, including muscle mass, body fat percentage, bone density, and hydration levels, provides you with insights that can revolutionise your approach to menopause.

Addressing Key Concerns Through TANITA Body Composition Monitoring:

Holistic Wellness at Your Fingertips

TANITA, a trusted supplier of body composition technology for fitness and health professionals, offers you a comprehensive view of your body's composition in the comfort of your home. With cutting-edge, Japanese precision and accuracy, TANITA scales empower you to make informed decisions about your well-being.

Personalised Weight Management

Menopause often brings about changes in weight and body composition. TANITA scales enable you to track these changes with precision, allowing you to set achievable weight management goals and promoting a positive body image.

Metabolic Age, a new perspective

TANITA's innovative approach includes measuring your metabolic age—a comparison of your metabolic rate to the average rate for your age group. This gives you an understanding of how efficiently your body is burning calories. Monitoring your metabolic age empowers you to make informed dietary and exercise choices tailored to your body's needs. 

Personalised Weight Management

Menopause often brings about changes in weight and body composition. TANITA scales enable you to track these changes with precision, allowing you to set achievable weight management goals and promoting a positive body image.

Personalised Weight Management

Menopause often brings about changes in weight and body composition. TANITA scales enable you to track these changes with precision, allowing you to set achievable weight management goals and promoting a positive body image.

Heart Health and Overall Wellness

Understanding body fat distribution, including visceral fat, is crucial for cardiovascular health. TANITA helps you monitor these aspects, guiding lifestyle adjustments that promote heart health and well-being.

Heart Health and Overall Wellness

Understanding body fat distribution, including visceral fat, is crucial for cardiovascular health. TANITA helps you monitor these aspects, guiding lifestyle adjustments that promote heart health and well-being.

Embracing a Healthier Future with TANITA: As you embrace the transformative journey of menopause, know that you possess the tools to take control of your health and well-being. TANITA's commitment to precision and accuracy empowers you with knowledge to make informed decisions about your body's changes. A TANITA body composition scale can become your steadfast ally, offering insights that guide you towards a healthier, more energetic version of yourself.


Incorporating body composition monitoring into your menopausal journey is an investment in your health, vitality, and future. With TANITA by your side, you're equipped with the means to understand and embrace the complexities of your body. As you step forward, know that you have the strength to thrive through menopause and emerge on the other side with renewed energy and confidence. 


With TANITA, you're not just monitoring data; you're embarking on a journey of self-discovery, well-being, and empowerment that transcends menopause and enriches your entire life.